One only destiny 2

We hadn’t thought and decided anything: we could have been someone else, we could have been some of you, we could have been one of our brothers and sisters who never came, we would have been different … but still we would have believed that we can not be anyone other than ourselves.

Tightrope walker

When a fragile moonbeam falls before your feet, like a rope passing over oceans and skies, it is time to dare toto walk it in equilibrium between madness and wisdom.

Tightrope walker

When a fragile moonbeam falls before your feet, like a rope passing over oceans and skies, it is time to dare to walk it in equilibrium between madness and wisdom.

Towards new horizons

The limits of a human are his own horizons,that separation line between earth and sky,between finite and infinite,between reality and fiction,between actor and spectator,between those who sleep and those who dream,between those who live and those who love.

The hopes

What is a boat moored on a sea of sand under a blizzard if not a hope?

One only destiny 1

We hadn’t thought and decided anything: we could have been someone else, we could have been some of you, we could have been one of our brothers and sisters who never came, we would have been different … but still we would have believed that we can not be anyone other than ourselves.

Sleeping Eurinome

And as Eurinome dreamed suspended between sky and water, the seeds of the first life spreaded everywhere with her breath.

Even if we are different I feel you

What do the waves say when they meet the rocks? perhaps they tell their journey with the currents of the sea? Or maybe when they were clouds or rivers? Or perhaps when they lived intimately united with the elements of the earth in a living being and felt each other?